Saturday, March 31, 2012

*Andrew Family

What a great day for a photo shoot!  And downtown Tulsa delivered beyond my expectations.  In the past we'd done a few shoots downtown, but on this particular day everything was in our favor!  Not only was the coolest family my subjects, but we got to play on a train, old car, and find cool little spots that were perfect for this urban family.  And here's a sampling of our time together. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

*Sam's 1st B-day Party

On Sunday, March 18th a very special little guy turned *ONE!  And what a rock'n b-day bash!  I'd yet to attend an event at Stokely Event Center but there is always a first time for everything.  Sam turned ONE in style and had a host of guests present to celebrate his first birthday.  Thanks Sam for letting me be there to help capture your bid day!  (And thanks Frankie for the invite...I had a delightful time!  Ya'll are just the most precious family!)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wade's One! *Yippee!

Look Who's One - Wade!  What a delightful time we had on Sunday enjoying the beautiful weather and capturing this little man on camera!  Grins, giggles, funny faces, eating rocks, and falling off the rocking chair were all ingredients to this adventurous afternoon!  But Wade loved every minute of it!  Dirt, grass, leaves, gravel are certainly components of a boy's life; and this is just the beginning!  Happy 1st B-Day Waders!  Thanks for letting Aunt Jenny capture you for all to enjoy!